Planning Commission
A council may establish a municipal planning commission under the provisions in Title 6, Chapter 29. The planning commission must consist of no less than five but no more than 12 members appointed by council. Section 6-29-350. As an alternative, council may designate the county planning commission as the municipality’s official planning commission. Section 6-29-330.
With council’s authorization, the planning commission prepares a comprehensive plan and program for the municipality’s physical, social and economic growth. The comprehensive plan and program should include recommended means of its implementation (for example, zoning and subdivision regulations). The plan must be based on careful and comprehensive surveys and studies of existing conditions and probable future development. Sections 6-29-510 to 6-29-540.
Council must adopt the comprehensive plan by ordinance after a public hearing. Section 6-29-530.
Thomas Alford
Ann Blakely
Charlean Chandler
Martin Mays, Jr.
Lou Ann Miller
Andre Rivers
Mark Stump